Text translation transfers text files, that is, files that contain only letters, numbers, and other characters.
How to Use It
When transferring text files, you can specify settings that let you change
• the format for the translation
• options that affect the result of the translation
To see and change these settings, hold down the Option key while you choose "Text translation" from the menu.
Because the format of text files is different on different computers, you may want to convert a file to a new format when translating it. The format buttons at the lower right of the dialog box let you specify a new format. For example, suppose a text file was created on an MS-DOS computer. To convert it to a ProDOS text file, select the MS-DOS to ProDOS button.
The Straight copy format is the default format. When you select this format, no changes are made to the file's format when it is translated. Use this format when transferring ProDOS files to other ProDOS disks or directories.
When you select any format other than Straight copy, a number of options appear in the dialog box. These options allow to you make additional changes to a file when translating. For information about these options, see the Apple File Exchange chapters in the Macintosh Reference Guide.